I just did a podcast yesterday and was asked about @RuPaulsDragRace (of course). And I’ll post that when it airs later today.

But someone told me I was mentioned on @TrinityTheTuck’s latest podcast as well!

Let me just go ahead and clear a few things up here.
1. @RoxxxyAndrews said she heard that transsexuals don’t audition. Well that’s an absolute lie, whoever told you that gurrrrrl. I know MANY transsexual drag queens who have auditioned... repeatedly.
I, myself, was asked to audition only a week or two before RuPaul’s guardian interview was released where he said we transsexuals weren’t welcome on the show. And I know others who have told me they were asked to audition by casting and they did.
So CLEARLY the casting department has not been on the same page as producers for quite some time.

2. I absolutely do not “hate” the show. I’m a huge fan of both it and the girls on the show. I was a HUGE fan of RuPaul’s as well.
I started out this crusade defending him bc, like so many stans, I just couldn’t believe he was transphobic. During the “Female or Shemale” debacle, i tweeted him begging him to prove all the people attacking him wrong by simply letting trans queens compete. I was blocked.
I still held no ill will bc i figured my tweet was probably misunderstood as just another person attacking him during that time.

But after years of BLATANT transphobic discrimination, my opinion of him has changed.
His tired catchphrases have lost all meaning through his pitiful actions toward the queer transsexual community (and many others). Nonetheless, I continue to support the show for many of the contestants.

3. @TheGingerMinj hit the nail on the head! We are HURT by this.
I am hurt by this. I am in possibly the worst place mentally and emotionally that I have ever been in my entire life over this. Please allow me to get VERY personal for just a moment...

I have been abandoned my entire life.
At age 10, I was released permanently into the system and put up for adoption. After my adoption went horribly wrong (I got removed from there for child abuse), I was passed from foster home to foster home until I was of age.
I was expelled from high school for refusing to take off makeup & nail polish. I was abandoned after transitioning by what would’ve been my husband of 10 years had gay marriage been legal.

And I FINALLY found a “home” in the drag community long before I decided to transition.
I felt welcome, accepted, and loved. I built a sustainable career here. I never saw the contempt for transsexuals in this industry until this leader in the community let his be known. And since then, I’ve seen so much of it that it hurts...
worse than all of the other shit that I’ve been through. To see your community, your chosen family, follow this man’s terrible views and not want us here HURTS. To see RuPaul and countless others tell us that our drag isn’t real or good or worthy of this platform simply because
we’ve transitioned HURTS.

And it has made me doubt myself for the first time in my life. It has made me stop taking bookings and hide away alone in my house... doing drag the only way I feel like I deserve - behind the scenes and for other people.
It takes everything I have in me to accept a gig these days because I am SO depressed over this act of abandonment from such an idol and leader in my community... simply for being a transsexual.

And while others may think I’m just an opinionated bitch who hates the show...
I appreciate Ginger for realizing that it runs much deeper.

Many transsexuals transition and leave the queer community. But so many of us transition and stay here because this is our home, our family, and our livelihood
(the only livelihood we’ve ever known or in many cases been allowed to know). And it feels like we’re being excommunicated from that.
It’s not right and I hope future tr💓nnies who happen to find themselves through drag NEVER have to go through this again. And that’s why I put up a strong front & speak so loudly & relentlessly about this.
And I won’t stop until an example has been made, change has been made, or I’m completely broken.
Just FYI: Here’s the podcast I was on yesterday ( @thetonysotoshow) where I talk a bit about @RuPaulsDragRace, trans queen representation, & how I can drink you ALL under the table (and after this thread, you know why i can do that 😅)! More on this soon! https://open.spotify.com/episode/6p1LEMv8RRhBA7CAoH7sIc?context=spotify%3Ashow%3A7uImhMJCSSMWCLzrcRo6he&si=1YGX-IoeS762N6KsO2JQ7Q
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