Lots of comments on my feed today about archaeology not being compatible with being a parent. I have a few things to add to this discussion... a ranthread #archeoparent
First, being a parent is the number 1 priority for me. But, it is extremely hard to balance both worlds. Now as my wife is also an archaeologist you may think this makes it easier, but no dear reader, in many ways it does not.
Archaeology has **traditionally** been associated with travel and basically being away from home for short to long periods of time. This is NOT the case anymore, but, through a combination of yearning for golden years past and pressures of the discipline, it still somewhat is.
The norm used to be that for at least a few months of the year we would go off to the other side of the planet or some island for a few months. Great, it was fun and I'll never forget it, but with a kid that isn't so simple.
I mean yes I could bring him with me but that means also bringing my partner and disputing their work and life if they aren't also on the same project. Also I don't want to go on my own, I'd miss him too much.
I know there will be people out there with all kinds of solutions and how it has worked for them. Great I'm glad for you. But every case is unique.
From New Zealand when trying to establish yourself you feel a need to go to as much as you can and not say no to anything. But to any trip you need to add two days each way for travel, and add about $2-3k for flights. It's not really possible to do that with a child as well.
Well at least not often.
But I digress. I think a lot of the problem is that there is an old idea of what archaeology is which is not based in reality anymore. Archaeology is increasingly becoming more of a desk job. Yes there is fieldwork, but that is only a part of it.
One day I may take my child to the field and they can grow up on a dig and discover a secret amulet that let's them have all sorts of adventures when I mysteriously disappear while on an expedition. But until then I think the best option is to limit my time away to a minimum.
This will hurt my career, maybe, but I'm happy to do it and I'm grateful for the support of friends and colleagues who help where they can. From making a conference parent friendly to asking me to review/book review/session organize.
Things change. That's good. Parenthood is the most adventurous thing I have ever been a part of. There are golden days ahead, as there were past. Archaeology will fit in, because I will make it do so. You can do the same too.
The one thing I will add to my incoherent rant here is that people saying that archaeology is not compatible with being a parent have it backwards and can kindly piss off.
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