I have a question for all the fans out there speculating about how WB can "fix" or "save" the DCEU and I'm asking this sincerely

When is going to be enough?

I have to ask because it really feels like nothing is going to get people to not see it as an irreparably broken failure
They made WW, a genuine landmark in the genre and a smash hit that came from the same creative approach that people insisted was flawed from it's conception, and it wasn't enough

They turned Aquaman, the biggest punchline in comics, into a billion dollar film and it's not enough
They made Shazam, a film that gave people exactly the kind of tone they had been angrily demanding since the films began, and which got rave reviews and it isn't enough

Even if BOP and WW84 are similar hits, we'l still be seeing articles about how how WB can "fix" the films
Even now, we've got fans calling for Zack Snyder's films to be erased as they feel they will never be able to fully enjoy these films knowing that stuff they don't like is still canon. They see this as evidence of how much they care and not them being toxic and unreasonable
There's only so much directors can or should be expected to do to win people over and it feels like fans are just moving the goal posts and still demanding recompense for not getting the films they feel they were owed from the start and refuse to ever let go or move on from that
Even if WB did erase those films and that was in any way a reasonable expectation, it's not like fans are going to just move on. They'll still be nursing a grudge years from now

There are fans who will go to their graves hating WB for BvS. Nothing will ever change their minds
Think of it like Star Wars. No one expects creators to still be trying to win over fans who hated the prequels. We acknowledge that, whatever the flaws those films may have had, fans still bitter about them are being irrational

It's the same with Zack Snyder's DC films.
So I ask the question again: When can we finally stop trying to "fix" or "save" the DCEU and just let it be?

When can we give the films time and space to progress and grow?

When can creators stop being expected to atone for someone else's work?

When will it finally be enough?
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