To Josh Hammer: Fellow Jewish men have been calling you in about your internalized antisemitism since April. It’s high time you started listening to them. We can see your self-hatred and macho bravado for what it is. You are fooling no one.
What’s obvious to me is how so many white Jewish men are using Bernie Sanders as a whipping boy for their own self-loathing and insecurities. The truth is that these WASP-adjacent jokers are threatened by the unapologetic Yiddishkeit that Bernie embodies and represents.
And check: Not only is Uncle Bernie an unapologetic leftist old-school yid, but he’s close to becoming the first Jewish President of the United States. All by being his leftist secular yiddishe self. How many white Jewish guys in public life can say the same?
One of these things I HATED about Barack Obama, along with his neoliberalism, was his WASPy respectability policing ways. This so-called first Black President demonized the kind of Blackness that me and millions of other Black folks represent. He was for WASP America, not us.
As a Black Jew, I strive to be both a yid’s yid and a sista’s sista. That means I reject using a WASP facade as a way to grease my path in colonial society. We all know colonized folks who wrap themselves in WASPiness to get by, while heaping shame on those of us who refuse.
The folks who shame leftist Jews and Jews of color the hardest are some of the biggest bootlickers of WASP power. They’ll demonize us for Palestinian solidarity, Blackness, or queerness, but will kiss white Christian asses as long as those WASP asses support Israel.
To Josh Hammer and other white Jewish boys who think like him: Y’all are well on your way to becoming Stephen Miller if y’all don’t get a grip on your antisemitic self-hatred now. Work through your insecurities with white masculinity and Jewishness. Figure out who you are.
Also, LEARN YOUR JEWISH HISTORY, DAMMIT. If you think being leftist or pro-Palestinian is a betrayal of Jews, you don’t know the first thing about Yiddishkeit. Jewish liberation and solidarity with the oppressed is in our bones. It is the deepest expression of our Jewish self.
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