About that whole "accomplishments" post. It's okay to feel like you haven't accomplished much. That doesn't make you a less valuable person.

HOWEVER, I *promise* you that you have accomplished something. Finding a book you loved, making a friend, starting a social media account.
There's something insidious about the reactions I've seen lately, and it makes me thoroughly upset. Sure, people have varying successes, but that doesn't mean you have none.

I don't like the way it's being framed like speaking on your accomplishments is putting others down.
First off, you have no idea what some of us were going through in order to reach these successes. The last 10 years were not rainbows & sunshine for me either.

But I also think people jump so easily onto the negativity bandwagon that positivity is seen as pompous.
I don't list my accomplishments to put down people who struggle to get out of bed. I list them because *I* struggle to get out of bed, bc no one praises me, unless I do it myself.

Bc all my life, I had people belittling my every achievement and I refuse to live that way anymore.
These past 10 years, you stayed alive, you found times to smile, you faced a world that scared you, you got out of bed even when it was hard.

Maybe you started a project whether you finished it or not. Maybe you made someone else smile. These are all accomplishments.
You didn't "accomplish nothing" bc you're unagented or didn't win awards, and dwelling on it that way is unfair *to you*. You're demeaning yourself. Stop that!

I know it's hard to feel like little things are accomplishments, but they are. Give yourself some credit, *please*.
And stop blaming people when insecurity strikes. The fact that we struggle to feel good about ourselves isn't the fault of people digging their way out of the self-hate pit.

People deserve to feel good about themselves without having to belittle their successes.
The next time you feel bad bc someone else accomplished something, take a moment to consider that you don't have to try to be that person!

You're you! Evaluate the things *you* have accomplished, no matter how small, and consider what you want for the future.
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