Yep, Postpartum Depression IS NOT THE SAME THING as Major Depressive Disorder. They share the same name but it's almost entirely DIFFERENT thing!! Just sebab "Guinea pig" ngan "domestic pig" shares the same word doesn't mean it's the same THING.
Long story short : people with depression is waras. People with postpartum depression-psychosis adalah TIDAK WARAS.

Diorang nampak benda yang takde (hallucinations), and have no control of their own action, can't tell what is reality, usually tak sedar. Bukan sebab TEKANAN.
TAK BOLEH samakan orang baru mengandung/beranak dengan lelaki murung stress kerja, atau perempuan yang tak pernah mengandung depressed.

Ini sebab BIOLOGI dan chemical stability manusia mengandung dan bersalin sangat berbeza dengan manusia yang tidak mengandung.
Selepas dan sebelum bersalin, the human body went extreme changes. There's an extreme/drastic change of hormones, brain chemicals and body physiology sebab some manusia kecik is formed inside of badan manusia lain. It damages the carrier's body and chemical/hormone stability.
This is why takleh samakan normal depression with PPD. Badan manusia yang tak mengandung will never bear the SAME physical damage on the body and the brain. Completely different with Major Depressive Disorder, the damage and how it works tak sama.
Once again, orang with depression adalah WARAS, boleh berfikir and completely responsible with their own action.

Orang with PND-psychosis adalah TIDAK WARAS dan TIDAK MAMPU berfikir, mereka TAKDE NIAT nak cederakan sape2 tapi badan bergerak against their own will.
Psychiatric patients are dangerous and can be very violent, tapi NOT responsible of their actions, kerana mereka tak sedar, takde niat jahat dan tidak dikurniakan akal yang sempurna.

People with depression ARE NOT violent to others. That's not how depression works.
1 in 5 perempuan baru beranak will get Postpartum Depression. Kalau dibiarkan melarat without medical attention, atau dibiarkan berseorangan dengan anak, it can easily become Postpartum Psychosis. Sebab tu secara tradisional, perempuan besalin WAJIB DIPANTAU. Bukan saje2.
Kat kampung ibu baru beranak ada tempoh pantang dan dijaga oleh ibu kepada perempuan yang baru beranakkan cucu dia. "Meroyan" is a very common occurrence, and can be very dangerous, but unfortunately the word "meroyan" is widely used as a JOKE instead of an actual penyakit.
Sebagai manusia yang paling terdekat dengan isteri, suami perlu mainkan peranan in this, perempuan are not automatik magic perfect moms. They are human beings, and vulnerable to the damage of pregnancy and post-childbirth. That is your baby, you play a huge role in this.
Don't let postpartum depression melarat jadi psychosis. Spread awareness on this, bukan sebab "perempuan je betul lelaki salah",tapi sebab penting nya kita untuk beza kan mainstream depression dengan dangerous postnatal illness. Beza akal waras berfikir dan akal tidak waras.
Sebab baru hari ni aku tahu majority rakyat Malaysia tak boleh nak beza kan. MAJORITY. Meroyan suddenly is a joke. It's a very dangerous condition. Benda ni semua kena tahu, korang either perempuan or laki ada adik, kakak dan bini korang sendiri yang akan mengandung nanti.
End thread. Tahniah sebab baca sampai sini, maaf menggangu. Pi minum air. Pat yourself in the back for learning something extremely important today! Let's all do our best to prevent another baby getting stabbed by being aware of post-natal illness.
Reminder : Postpartum psychosis BUKAN sebab tekanan. Tekanan can make it worse, but is not the cause. The cause is how some human biology works after pregnancy. Tekanan is not the reason to tikam sape2. Depression is not an excuse to stab others.
PS: Guinea pig tu tikus, bukan babi. Lupa nak bagitahu kalau ada yang tak tau.
SINCE I CAN'T EDIT TWEETS- I feel like I really need to clarify the SCHIZOPHRENIA part, I realize it was my penyampaian is to blame because many people misunderstand, I don't mean people with depression + psychosis automatically have schizophrenia.

So edited to word it better :
One of the tiga jenis utama postpartum depression is PSYCHOSIS.

Manakala psychosis LANGSUNG TAK TERMASUK dalam jenis usual depression. For example when someone suffering jenis ni gets psychosis, it's something else (there's many category) instead of /just/ the usual depression.
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