1/ BRAINSTORMING a Possible Q Code ?

Today POTUS has an "erroneous" apostrophe added to his tweet

should read Ukraine got "its" money, not "it's"

2/ regarding Apostrophes?

POTUS went off on Apostrophes vs Hyphens a while back, in the context of Adam Schiff.

POTUS 'incorrectly' labelled an Apostrophe as a Hyphen

and in the same tweet typed dd instead of tt

and "misspelled" dIscribing, not dEscribing
3/ A Decode theory. IMO.

an Apostrophe signals a MISSING LETTER.

Liddle' means a letter is missing.

If we add another L?

we get

ALICE Liddell, the muse for Lewis Carroll's ALICE IN WONDERLAND
4/ and Adam Schiff's name for his foundation supposedly "helping kids"??

Liddle , pretty close to Liddell?

I-nnovate and E-ducate in the DEscription, explains POTUS's I E 'misspelling' in tweeting DIscription?
6/ the above UK article shows the cartoon alice of course. The whole truth, from the uncovered nude photos of the Liddell children, is unprintable, but here are two disturbing ones of Alice, with and then posing for, Lewis Carroll, author of Alice in Wonderland.
7/ Lewis Carroll was also known for his highly sophisticated use of wordplay (i.e. PUNS) and mathematical puzzles and codes.

WHY would Liddle' Adam Schiff model his foundation for kids on this creep?
8/ IMHO, based on the above, we've been trained by POTUS tweeting that misused Apostrophes = Adam Schiff.

and WHO's in the limelight today w/the Impeachment hoax hearings?

Liddle' Adam Schiff (AS)

An anon chimes in with more AS decode? https://twitter.com/sweetliberty2us/status/1194664399354650626
9/ is POTUS just trolling AS, reminding him that "we have it all"

or is there more?

AS is also the first part of ASCII, computer code

Perusing an ASCII table?

I'm finding very interesting Qonnections amongst the codes and numbers...

I've highlighted a few...
10/ The ASCII table shows values for characters and also decimal, hex(base 16) and octal(base 8) numbers.

Interestingly? The decimal number 45 (for POTUS) is 55 in the Octal numbering system...

55 =5:5 Loud and Clear code?

OFTEN used visually w/2 hands outstretched by potus?
11/ and what does the Table say the related "character" is for Potus's number 45?

Why whaddya know....

45 = a HYPHEN

recall Potus's supposed 'mixup' of Apostrophes and Hyphens in the Liddle' tweet?
12/ this 9/27 tweet appears to be a 'line in the sand' of sorts to the pedo cabal, specifically LIDDLE Adam Schiff.

apostrophe Schiff vs hyphen POTUS

We're seeing it play out today in hoax hearings.

But is there more?
13/ The tweet has nonessential capitals LSM that sum to 44, BHO.

Then misspells w/ an I, then an immediate nonessential capital C

IC=Intelligence Community?

then a never ending SITUATION with CNN?

Was CNN given classified SITUATION ROOM info by Hussein admin and/or leaker AS?
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