Disclaimers first: No country/society is perfect. Each has its own set of problems. But exaggerating some & underplaying others is wrong, only propagates stereotypes.
With every crime against a woman, India is branded the rape capital of the world. (1)
With every crime against a member of the minority community, India is branded a majoritarian state. I'm not for a moment suggesting that there aren't problems that need to be fixed. But tonight we question those who hand out these labels and sit in judgement. (2)
Those who lament the human rights situation in Kashmir but forget the daylight murders by their own police. The US is a self-proclaimed global cop and leading light on human rights. The FBI has released hate crime data. It's a revealing document.(3)
Religious, ethnic, gender minorities - all face violence & hate. Crimes against Sikhs have tripled in 1 year. Prosecution has dropped by 38%. Yet nobody is branding America the hate crime capital of the world.We aren't either. But we'd like to hold a mirror to those who preach. 4
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