I don’t usually like to contribute to online dogpiles or polarization, but this is bugging me, and I think I know why...(thread) https://twitter.com/justalilnerd/status/1194321462812958722
First, it’s a form of gatekeeping that simply doesn’t need to be there. I’m sure there are a lot of people out there have a desire to create content, whether modules, supplements, or streams, but are intimidated by the vast quantity and often “high quality” of content available
That’s a huge mental block. Especially for folks that have a fringe hobby to begin with, folks that aren’t used to ttrpg’s being cool or popular in any sense. And for folks that don’t have what they may perceive as enough experience or audience for creation to be with it...
The cool thing about social media today, one of the only cool things, IMO, is that it gives EVERYONE a chance to be a rock star, even for an audience of one... or even zero...
Even the “apology”: “make it good” and the cry of “do it with passion” and the demand to go into it with the idea that one should enter into streaming with the mindset that they will be pro’s seems off to me...
To me, and possibly many, gaming is still a “fun” thing, a release, an escape. Worrying about the quality of something in this regard... it’s inner critic talk. It’s the antithesis of “just make the thing because you want to.”
Of course we all want to make something of high quality. But that shouldn’t stop us from making anything at all to hone our chops and get our flight time. It shouldn’t be a reality sky crashing down on anyone’s dream.
There is no uplift in her post or apology. No, “and don’t worry, it’s not that hard.” No, “it’s ok, You’ll stumble—we all do, at first and every day.” No, “let me get you off on the right foot—here are some tips and resources.”
And the bottom line is, this isn’t a fucking competition. A stream being present doesn’t preclude another’s audience or existence. Worrying about having too many streaming ttrpg shows to be able to follow... really? This is what we’re calling a problem now? REALLY?
Maybe I’m obtuse here, but social media and word of mouth seems like it would carry a decent show. And if not, there’s a marketing/promotion discussion to be had. If it’s about the size of an audience. Or money to be got.
Aside from the fact that, this isn’t competing time slots on weeknights in the 90’s. Isn’t everything available on demand these days after the fact? I could be wrong.
And one more thing—can we please respect the work that Mercer & CR have done without freaking deifying them? CR is not perfect. It’s not the measuring stick. It’s great because it shows what extremely talented people can do when they turn their talent into having fun together
And they captured that and ran with it and did a great job. They’re great at what they do, they harnessed the right resources to do something amazing. But that’s them....
The question should be: who and what is going to be the NEXT Critical Role. The next thing that blows through the existing paradigm and makes people feel great, introduces them to a new hobby or a new way in which to enjoy and (maybe maybe) make a living off of an existing one.
So fuck this garbage. Stream on, motherfuckers. Do you. Create. Engage. Have fun. Do what that wilt. Be excellent to each other, and game on, dudes. 🤘🏻
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