Time for a little highway etiquette discourse:

1. Use your goddamn directional. I can't read your mind when you want to change lanes. Instead of cutting me off or edging across my nose until I decide between dumping you and letting you in, let me know you want the spot.
2. Pass on the left, cruise on the right. If you're in the left lane and there's someone behind you, get the hell out of the way.

3. If something/someone is on the shoulder, move the fuck over if you can.

4. Put the goddamn phone down

5. You have 3 mirrors. Use them.
6. If you're approaching an exit, jump into the left lane to let people merge in. Staying where you are until you have to slam on the brakes will create a knock-on effect that creates a traffic jam.

7. Finally, just pay attention. It's not hard to know where cars are around you.
One final note. If you live somewhere with snow, clean off your roof you godless heathen.
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