In May 2016, I saw photos of #AmberHeard up on @TMZ. My first thought was: "Oh no". Because contrary to popular belief, as a Depp fan, even my first instinct is to not immediately dismiss allegations of abuse. But then I looked closer and my second thought was "something is off".
Photos of Rihanna came to mind. The bruises, swelling... Well. It was MESSY. All I saw in Amber's photos was a rectangular red mark, as if the phone he allegedly threw at her had simply been pressed against her face. It looked... too on the nose. Too literal, too neat.
The "bruise" started moving all over the place in the days after. And then it came out that the cops saw nothing, not even that big ass broken wine bottle.
And then there was the whole leaking everything to the media. Sad pouty Amber on the cover of People magazine. That video on TMZ of Johnny slamming cupboards... Like... Who films that? I slam cupboards too, what's your point?
But what convinced me the most was that letter she sent before any of this got out. "Pay me $50.000" monthly. I want the house, cars and your dignity too while you're at it, or else..." and he refused. I call that plain old blackmail. Not something a DV victim would do.
A DV victim who "won't be silenced" would also not run away from her depositions in 2016 AND 2019 all the time. This was her chance! Why did she avoid her deposition? Hmmm. Aquaman costume fittings don't seem as important when you're afraid for your LIFE.
(maybe it was because then she'd have to admit to being the abusive one OOPS SHE DID)
And then came the activism. You can't criticize someone who stands up for other women!!! For immigrants (or as she'd call them, "gardeners and cleaning ladies"). Who's willing to donate $7million to charity, omg wow. So good. A worthy investment... for her reputation.
The case was dismissed with prejudice. She got what she would have gotten in a regular divorce, nothing extra to imply JD was guilty. And they both agreed to move on. NDA. But then Amber of course wouldn't shut up about it, even appearing on Dutch tv (we were skeptical).
Because ACTIVIST! It's her brand now! Mera in Aquaman, please. That is not what she takes pride in. It's being a supposed victim of domestic and now even sexual violence... And FIGHTING for the cause.
But again. These are good causes. They deserve awareness, and yeah, $7 million. But it should NEVER be used as a shield to defend oneself from rightful accusations of abuse that are backed by evidence and testimony, her own included.
And that is why I defend Johnny Depp. Because I believe him, but also because I feel she is damaging the very causes she claims to fight for. Including the much-needed #metoo .
I've followed this case from the start. I've done my research. DO YOURS before calling people like me an asshole. (drop down menu)

Or check out @ThatBrianFella, his videos are very clear and are a good start to getting up to speed.

You can follow @MsAuroraGilmore.
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