1. Notice how it’s *CRICKETS* from the faux woke olympians when every single person in the “Top Tier” of POTUS candidates is a white person. (Biden, Sanders, Buttigieg, Warren).

Where are the Think Pieces about white privilege & the accompanying incessant snark?
2. Conversations about white privilege in this country are important and NEED to happen. I am not so sure people understand what it really means. However, what we end up with is a metric FUCK ton of disingenuous hot takes about it, mostly used to smear people (including allies).
4. I see so many white women invoking vitriolic disgust about “white male privilege” as if white women by promximity don’t also benefit form said privilege. On that note, majority of white women vote for and enable the system that is detrimental to the rest of us.
5. I’m pointing this out as an observation of the inconsistency and lack of genuine concern of the topic of “privilege” by many in the media and journalism who were on a crusade about it before. The concern about white privilege EVAPORATES because someone is gay or a woman? How?
6. We constantly seem to work against ourselves, and the culprit seems to be the ultra-mega-woke-olympiads. They infiltrate our discussions with a fragmented understanding of the topic without taking into consideration the nuances and are embarrassingly inconsistent.
7. Then we end up fighting and progress is impeded and the very thing we wanted (an understanding and acknowledgment of what privilege is by the privileged) gets lost and we end up back at square one: White people dominating the top of everything.
8. This isn’t a knock on white people. If you know me, you know that’s not my intention. I don’t have an issue there. But, if we are honestly going to talk about white privilege in our society, shouldn’t we consider it in total?

Unless those previous hot takes were dishonest BS.
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