"Three of the most marketed issues in this campaign period by the candidates of the two main parties - national security, fear and women": Kaushalya Ariyaratne gave a poignant speech at the NPP's final rally today - a long thread. #lka
"I'm speaking to you on a day where, with the single stroke of a pen, the Executive can pardon a man who murdered a woman by crushing her skull into countless pieces." #lka
"Two of these candidates are claiming they will deliver safety and protection for women. Yet look at the situation for women under each of their two parties' previous times in power." #lka
"On their watch, they couldn't convict the men who raped Krishanthy Kumaraswami or Rita Jones, and deliver justice for these women." #lka
"On their watch, they couldn't convict the men who murdered 15 women in Kotakethana, Kahawatte. Their ministers throw large parties to celebrate essentially abusing hundreds of women." #lka
"On their watch, they couldn't stop Rizana Nafeek dying by a death sentence, a young girl who went to the Middle East to work. They couldn't help the woman who returned to Sri Lanka with 26 nails in her body, abused while working overseas." #lka
"The women working in factories, how many hours overtime do they have to work, standing, just to save to be able to send some money to their families? They can't even then report when their boss harasses them." #lka
"Outside tuition classes, mothers wait to take their daughters home, because they worry they'll be harassed on the bus. These people who can't promise security for women are now promising national security." #lka
"Most women say this is their karma. But to the women who are working cleaning other people's houses in the Middle East, who are working long hours on factories, who are plucking tea in the cold till their fingers bleed, this is not your karma." #lka
"This is the karma of our leaders over the last 71 years, the men who stole all your hard-earned money and savings." #lka
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