Why this left winger agrees Transactivism is a class issue.
Having been raised in what was then the poorest part of Glasgow, lived in a tenement, sharing Not a Room, but a bed with 3 others, I find it sad that many of my large extended family still suffer poverty 1/2
2/2 The younger generation, working in poorly paid often part time jobs, unable to go to University, are really struggling; wanting to "keep up with the Jones's, unable to.
Seeing their hopes crushed and living in crap housing schemes, some have turned to drink/ drugs.
3/3 I see my cousins, some younger than me, prematurely aged. Worry and stress do that
4/4 While all this is going on, another group of young people are angrily demanding rights they already have.
Not only demanding rights they already have, but wanting the right to go into women's protected spaces.
I have a personal interest in this.
5/5 Many years ago a member of my extended family was regularly being beaten up by her husband. Due to lack of finances + support she could never quite flee.
6/6. If her husband could have found a way to trace her, and a way to get into a women's refuge she was in. He would have.
It's why i believe they must be able to.have discretion.
7/7. When I talk about self ID to my extended family, they are incredulous..and a bit scared, because deep down they know its working class folk who will bare the brunt.of this.
8/8. I think.of those in Canada who fought to get a women's rape crisis centre in the poorest area of Canada defunded because it wouldnt accept Transwomen. (self ID in Canada)
These people won't ever have to go to this place.
9/9. I think of a certain young labour "women's officer, currently strutting around in very expensive clothes, advising that sex work is acceptable for poorer women (but not for "her "as apparently "she" is not desperate.and its dangerous work...)
10. I see the middle class privilege of these people, the confidence and sense of entitlement that is entirely lacking in poor working class people.
11/11 I see the total lack of empathy for traumatised girls and women, the lack of tolerance. "We are what we say we are" "No debate". The fact that violent threats to women are seen as acceptable to attain their objectives.
12/12 I see well fed, comfortably off people who have no idea what it could be like to have to share a refuge shelter, a prison room with any man when you have geen traumatised.
13/13 Most.of all I see people who are entirely ignorant of the poverty.of other peoples lives, who.don't really see them as people...hence the fight to defund a rape centre. Hence the fight to get women sacked for speaking out.
14/14. A group backed by Stonewall a charity that started with good intentions, but has become an oppressive organisation, backed by wealthy corporations and governments who don't appear to see kids like my family in Glasgow.
This is a class struggle.
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