The fact that this is where we are in S15 is actually quite amazing. As meta writers we really can just gesture at the show and shrug and people with basic reading comprehension will understand. +
Those who don't see it at this point are either terrified and bitter because the show has burned them, and refuse to even entertain the idea that the story will play to our favour, or they are so extremely hateful towards Castiel, or homophobic, or obsessed with an incest ship +
That the very thought that the story will go down an inclusive TFW as family with potential Deancas romance route, fills them with a seering rage that blinds them to the story and instead forces them into a constant state of denial so extreme its actually funny. +
The desperate scrambles to reinterpret the story to meet their hateful agenda, or in the case of the bitters, to complete an impressive display of mental acrobatics just to find an explanation that doesn't scream GAY at the first hurdle. +
All the while we are here pointing at show and saying "sometimes what you see is what you get. This is how stories work." And yet we get mocked from all sides for calling a spade a spade. TFW are family. Dean loves Cas. They will make up. This is not a bronly friendly story. +
This is the shows base state right now. Its foundation. Its not "two brothers against the world" it hasn't been that for 11 seasons. The shows foundation is "family don't end with blood" and this family includes a fallen angel and a nephilim child whether haters like it or not. +
You are literally being represented by the shows biggest villain right now. Even your incest shipping fangirl avatar has reformed and become Cas inclusive. If you still can't see the message being presented, there is no hope for you. Hence I will resort to memes and mockery. +
Frankly, your denial and ignorance aren't worth a single character more. But maybe I'll end with this. For the lol's.
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