In a few hours for the first time since 1999 a President will be held to account. Today is the first day of reckoning for @realDonaldTrump it is a day long time coming. Yet it is not going to be the justice that @HillaryClinton deserves. The #MuellerReport was silenced and ....
.... all but buried. Come what may we need the true American Patriots from across both aisles whether @DNC or @GOP to go back to basic civics class. Respect and honour the Constitution. Hold an American citizen to the sane standard of justice as your fellow man or woman.......
..... what the world 🌎 wants and EXPECTS is for the USA 🇺🇸 to reclaim her rightful place in the League of Nations that supports the tenets of democracy and will reverse the shameful disgusting three years since your democracy was sold off. Impeaching Trump (if it’s comes .......
..... to that and personally I don’t think 🤔 the Senate would get the numbers) is only the first step. There needs to be a separation of wealth and political power; and end to the wealthy destroying freedom. The world is watching. This is our generations D Day.
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