I get that they are both Portuguese midfield players but Silva’s good form shouldn’t be a stick with which to beat Carvalho. It's unnecessary and counter-productive. #nffc
We hideously overpaid for Carvalho but we can’t blame players for our poor recruitment decisions, nor should we compound that error by making him carry that price tag as a yoke #nffc
We do this a lot at Forest, black and white thinking at the extremes, our players are either instant “legends” or “deadwood” on the way to the fire, sometimes alternating between the two #nffc
Carvalho is a talented player who can open up defences and is still both very young and relatively new to this country and league. He has also experienced three different managerial approaches and requirements in his short time here #nffc
We have an active first team squad of 25 players, all with different attributes and at different ages, stages of career and contracts. The key now is to develop that squad in a coherent fashion to balance those attributes, ages etc to achieve short and long-term goals #nffc
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