Not all who #homeEd are against a database and meeting family but forcing a child to speak with a stranger is wrong! What will an untrained EWO get from a 30 minute meet? Trained social workers take months/years to confidently say they suspect abuse yet you want an EWO to make
Such a judgement! How will that responsibility impact these untrained EWOs? Why are you coming at it from am education angle as it sets everyone involved up to fail? My 7 yr old would happily met your whole cabinet and talk through his work & life but my 14yr old who is in
School would refuse and if I made her she would not say a word yet you want to force children to met? It's not the education you care about otherwise you would be financially supporting those who #HE maybe with @cadw membership a grant type scheme to cover technology
Or educational subscriptions but you give nothing yet want yo take so many rights away. It's about the tiny minority not even 1% that need safeguarding so find a way to save them without walking all over the rights of these children because even if what is proposed was lawful
It wont save anyone but could realistically have a detrimental impact on a childs mental health even being the final push to suicide for some. Schools are filled with violence hate discrimination no one is looking to protect them in no other part of society would such
Behaviours be acceptable, we have the police unions and rights to call upon but school children have nothing which is why HE is on the raise so why isn't @childcomwales concerned with them? @lynne_neagle @suzydaviesam @wgmin_education these unlawful guidelines will only cause
Harm. Meet families who HE before you make decisions based on scaremongering. To save the life of a child my family would happily go along with the guidelines but what is proposed will NOT save anyone but your own backs come another unfortunate inquiry which I guess is the point
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