Can I just say something to this? I don’t think it’s that men are broke that offends women so much. I think the problem women have is that when men do not have money, they do not add any value whatsoever but still expect things to go on like it’s business as usual.
When a man for example loses a job, instead of aligning himself to that situation, he instead starts a pity party that can most times be violent and abusive to his partner until the situation is untenable forcing the partner to leave. Then he will say she left bc he lost a job.
When you can no longer add value through a salary, say in a marriage. Then you should wake up and wash the kids for school, clean the house and do laundry so that no helper is needed saving money. Cook so your wife is not double burdened with work and house chores during the week
Once men are required to perform these tasks that they deem to be feminine and menial, they then start to act out, in toxic ways.

So if people who add no value outside money, are still expecting to be treated like royalty when they have no money. Why must women want them?
You can’t attach your self worth to money and material things, then maintain your self-esteem by identifying as a provider then be mad when you are valued and weighed using those criteria’s. If you want patriarchy, you must do your part to sustain it.
I don’t have all the answers but being a man, growing up around men and still continuing to foster relationships with men, I know for a fact that without money, MOST men are useless AF.
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