I find it incredibly interesting how blind people seem to be when it comes to the very valid criticism #ShadowhuntersTV has received, both from avid book fans and former/ current show fans. I find it interesting that this "shadowfam" can't seem to handle...
...any criticism toward the show at all, but find it easy to diss book fans or basically anyone who believes the show could have been done better. As both a book and show fan I believe I like many others in my position have a more well rounded perspective.
I used to be a much bigger supporter of the show while I loved the books. I defended a LOT of choices made on the show up until the point where the writing choices literally became unbearable to watch. In hindsight I see a lot of writing choices which were...
...actually so terrible that it blows my mind that anyone would support them. Let's start with killing Jocelyn. Here's a choice which was highly controversial for good reasons. My issue with this choice was the motives from the writers...
...who only really chose to do it as a means of forcing Alec to stop treating Clary so fucking badly. Frankly this is not only lazy but irresponsible writing which both robbed Clary & Jocelyn of further development & absolved Alec of any responsibility...
...for his actions without him having do ANY soul searching or actual work to resolve his issues with Clary or why he felt so strongly opposed to her. This was just one of many poor writing choices which made #ShadowhuntersTV less than it could have been.
My biggest issue with the show is the practical erasure of Clary, Jace and Jonathan's MAJOR story lines, which for people who have read the books & understand what TMI is actually about, is frankly unforgivable. Especially when you consider what these...
...incredible story lines were replaced with. Jonathan was supposed to be an actual villain who's true motives were supposed to be hidden and his inappropriate ideas about Clary as result of his warped upbringing. Instead of this intriguing character...
...all we got was creepy brother who kept trying to kiss his sister and appeared to have no actual plans that didn't involve being a creepy inappropriate brother. Clary's story was supposed to highlight her leadership potential & the ability she had...
...to bring much needed change into the shadow world through redeeming her family line & standing up for those the Clave saw as inferior. This is the Clary we were given in S1 and not only was that potential wasted but her story was completely erased...
...in the finale for no other reason than dramatic effect. It also should be mentioned that Clary's potential as a leader to unite the downworld was given to Alec instead which frankly made zero sense considering he had zero interest in it aside from...
...his relationship with Magnus & openly opposed Clary & Jace when it came to taking a stand because he was more worried about looking bad in front of the Clave than he was concerned about their questionable ethics toward the downworld. Yet he is the one...
...who's credited for being instrumental in uniting the downworld & Clary who laid the actual foundations for it is forgotten and her potential as a leader is erased and forgotten. Clary's actions which literally saved EVERYONE in the end are also forgotten.
NOBODY even asks Clary if she's okay after being forced to kill her own brother, nobody (not even the love of her life) notices her runes disappearing, and there's not a single mention of the HUGE sacrifice she made to save EVERYONE nor does anyone...
...honor her for saving ALL OF THEIR ASSES! (for the second time by the way). Jace's story is actually handled pretty well up until 3b when literally everything is just plain ridiculous and he's basically reduced to being the supportive boyfriend and...
...the SEVERE trauma he's suffered is NEVER addressed. I won't even start with the terrible way they handled the parabatai relationship between Alec & Jace because it honestly just makes me too bloody angry. The erasure of Team Evil is honestly the worst...
...writing choice of all. They had the potential especially with having Clary being the one connected to Jonathan to make it even more intriguing in exploring the dynamics between the three of them, but again this potential was completely wasted & their...
...story was almost completely erased. The result of this is not only missing out on the developments in team evil but also some crucial developments in Clace's relationship which were SERIOUSLY needed. This is just a small list of issues with the way this...
...story was handled, there are many many more. And even though the show did a lot of things right, the things they got so very wrong overshadow all the good choices in the end. THIS is what people are pissed off about, having a story they loved being...
...ruined by writers who didn't care enough about the TMI story to actually showcase the parts which were most vital to the story, while catering to fanservice solely for one obnoxious side of the "famdom" with scenes which added literally NOTHING to the...
...actual story which was forgotten for the sake of said fanservice. This isn't about book vs show fans, this is about good vs bad writing & SHTV ended up giving us some of the WORST writing on in the end. THAT is what people are rightly pissed about.
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