The hypocrisy from SOC Dems political director after how they treated the first asylum seeker brave enough to run for election here

I was a member then& Anne Maries silence from a position of power spoke volumes, while so many members had the conviction to speak truth to power
One reason I joined SD was hearing Anne Marie speak about it being for people who never saw themselves in politics & to challenge the structural barriers preventing so many people having a voice
Seeing how they treated the most vulnerable candidate we had shattered that illusion
Too many politicians using marginalised groups for photo ops & votes, punching down or tokenistic gestures of inclusivity. Both are harmful. If you don't acknowledge the structural violence present & the additional barriers faced & risks taken you don't get to take the high road
You don't have to be as blatant as #NoelGrealish to be harming marginalised communities. Ff & FG have candidates platforming themselves as anti traveller to get votes. But if you're gonna platform yourself as anti racist you need to make sure it's not just words
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