I tweeted recently about the 10 steps of denial those on Twitter fighting antisemitism face. Today I want to add the personal to the political. I will illustrate my point by reference to my activity on Twitter last night.
Some of you will recall the infamous @arrytuttle an account beloved of the Corbyn cult. Adored because he used his jewishness and unlike many of his ilk undoubted knowledge, intelligence and eloquence in order solely to deny antisemitism, promote Corbyn and bait jews mercilessly
Brilliant detective work from @TwelveScouts unmasked him as a barrister at @DoughtyStreet . His victims included prominent barristers @DXWQC @SCynic1 and @AdamWagner1 the latter a member of his own chambers. Facing disciplinary proceedings and having no defence to the charge of
Professional misconduct he apologised and resigned. Last night I was involved in a thread on the subject. To the cult notwithstanding he remains a hero. It is denied that he did anything wrong. He was the victim of a zionist witch hunt for being the "wrong sort of jew".
He was "forced out" of his job. He is not antisemitic and did not harass anyone. The "real" villains are @TwelveScouts for "doxxing" him and @AdamWagner1 for vindictively pursuing him. In other words reality and the truth turned on their heads.
Repeatedly and patiently I sought to put them right as to the facts. @AdamWagner1 even joined in to provide the evidence. Even in the face of it all was still denied. None was prepared to answer the question why they still defended that which he does not. As each of their points
was demolished and devoid of argument my interlocutors changed tack. First, 1 or 2 became 5 or 6 as the comrades rallied to the call.
"Fake QC". "You're not a QC". "I bet you were a shit QC". "I bet you were laughed out of court" and so on. You get the picture.
"Nice wig". "I like your hairdo". "Do you use Harmony ".
Then they started to make "jokes" to each other about me and about Jews who "make up" claims of antisemitism. The thing which struck me apart from the puerile even juvenile barbs was the sneering, mocking tone.
These people pride themselves on their antiracist credentials. Yet here was a jew complaining about antisemitism and they turn their face against him and dismiss it all as lies and smears pursuant to a hidden agenda. Worse they do not simply disagree. They revel in the baiting
They love to sneer and pat each other on the back for their perceived cleverness. They condescend to tell the jew what is and what is not antisemitism. Facts and reason are unimportant to them. Only the mantras which are repeated ad nauseam. This is a full blown cult.
It is vicious and wholly lacking in empathy or decency. One shudders to think of them in power. The worst thing is that they are so consumed with self righteousness they genuinely believe that they are the "good guys" and can not fathom why jews dread the prospect of a Labour win
The evidence overwhelmingly contradicts their self image. They are a vicious, nasty, illiberal, intolerant rabble of bullies and bigots. There is no imperative higher than doing everything we can to ensure that they do not get anywhere near power. If they do the future is bleak.
You can follow @JeffSamuels16.
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