I've been trying @RoamResearch today and really impressed by their approach to organizing ideas and thought.

I noticed two standout features for me that set it apart from others.
First, the structure of Roam documents are bullet points that can be nested within each other.

What’s special is that each bullet point is searchable and embeddable in other documents.
This means that every bullet point in every note you make becomes a reusable and modular building block.
You can rapidly construct a train of thought by pulling in blocks you wrote in the past. Comes back to https://twitter.com/MatthewWSiu/status/1167281612263804928?s=20
Second, roam uses a connected graph to organize and view documents.

This is possible because they’ve made contextual backlinks a key feature.
The value of contextual backlinks in Roam are explained well by @andy_matuschak here 👇 https://twitter.com/andy_matuschak/status/1190102757430063106?s=20
The connected graph also allows you to create lots of documents without worrying as much about clutter.

Over time, when viewing the graph, the most important documents will be visually more connected taking greater precedence.
Curious what others who have tried @RoamResearch have found interesting..

@context_ing @albertoarenaza @adam_keesling?
You can follow @MatthewWSiu.
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