📢LISTEN UP MBB’s, lawbebe here. I’m asking you to read this thread and share because we are at a CRITICAL point in our protest to get WH back. Let me tell you why it’s important to be as active as ever. #TogetherForWonho
I know you are feeling discouraged from SS’s silence. maybe you’re starting to think that these trends are meaningless & that you aren’t being heard. We've hit a wall - we aren’t trending as high and less people are using hashtags. #TogetherForWonho #사이버_폭력에_맞서_싸우자
Let me tell you WHY WE NEED TO KEEP GOING. History shows we can’t solely rely on the Korean legal system to bring Justice, especially for the "underdog". (My opinion as a Korean working in law, who has been in K-pop for 13+ years). #TogetherForWonho #사이버_폭력에_맞서_싸우자
I DO NOT condone interfering with SS’s legal action in any way. I'm NOT saying SS isn’t working to fix the problem, but only they know what goes on behind closed doors. The claims they bring and the relief they seek is up to them; all we can do is have faith. #TogetherForWonho
What I CAN tell you is that in any high profile legal matter, confidentiality & PR are of the upmost importance. That is why, I repeat, if you see anything, report it silently. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE SHOULD YOU ENGAGE. #TogetherForWonho #사이버_폭력에_맞서_싸우자
Why? Bc it’s dangerous if rumors spread. Public perception is a HUGE component of legal strategy. If sensitive info leaks, it CAN and WILL tamper with SS’s legal strategy regardless of its legitimacy. PLEASE leave this part to the lawyers. Do it for the boys. #TogetherForWonho
Listen to a fellow lawbebe when she says we as fans need to stay in our lane and not interfere with SS's legal team. #TogetherForWonho #사이버_폭력에_맞서_싸우자 @alielle https://twitter.com/alielle/status/1194332080563507201
So it all leads to this: WHAT CAN MBB’S REALISTICALLY DO TO HELP MX? It’s simple. We need to (1) keep trending (2) help create a more positive image of MX for the general public and (3) keep supporting MX's music. Let me explain... #TogetherForWonho #사이버_폭력에_맞서_싸우자
Why keep trending? This shows SS and the public that we are:
(1) serious about this issue
(2) we aren’t going to let it all fade away or forget about it
(3) WH / MX / justice is actually worth fighting for, even against all odds.
#TogetherForWonho #사이버_폭력에_맞서_싸우자
Why work on creating positive images? Korean GP is still skeptical and will be drawn to the juicier story, regardless of if it’s the truth. We need to convince the public that our boys are good people and make GP sympathetic. #TogetherForWonho #사이버_폭력에_맞서_싸우자
Why keep streaming, buying music, and vote? Bc the bigger they make it abroad, it makes MX stronger & harder for SS / Korea to ignore us. So if you have $0.99 to spare, buy #Follow on iTunes, or help @ radio stations for more plays. #TogetherForWonho #사이버_폭력에_맞서_싸우자
There is evidence to show that this approach works. Think of the big, 3-letter group who, against all odds, made it to the top. Their fandom wasn’t always so big but they were organized, passionate, and CONSISTENT. We should look to them as an example.
This bird app gives us a platform to be HEARD. Just because SS is silent doesn’t mean we go unnoticed. Like the saying goes, slow and steady wins the race. Consistency is the MOST powerful message we can send right now. #TogetherForWonho #사이버_폭력에_맞서_싸우자
Thank you for taking the time to read this. Don’t ever lose hope Monbebes. Keep trending, keep fighting, don’t give up NO MATTER WHAT. #VoiceForWonho #변화의_시작이_되자
(+ALSO+) in light of recent events, this is a reminder to be skeptical of anyone asking for information on our boys. The account that claims they will bring legal action for free - DO NOT ENGAGE. Its possible they mean well but its too risky and MX is TOO IMPORTANT to risk it.
Listen to a fellow lawbebe. SS must and will act through their lawyers, its dangerous to trust anyone posing to be one. #VoiceForWonho #변화의_시작이_되자 @Colette15440359 https://twitter.com/Colette15440359/status/1194334105128669185
& DON'T listen to these "professionals" telling you to engage Korean media and be as loud as possible. They're lacking context. We're dealing with idols so we need to tread carefully. We want GP to take us seriously, not see us like a bunch of fangirls throwing a tantrum...+
Lastly, Korean news is busy covering another story right now that MOST of the country is on alert for & tensions are high. Listen to KMBB's when they say DON'T go to Korean media or try to create a buzz there. Now is NOT the time, PLEASE be respectful of the cuture and refrain.
That's all I have to say for now. Congrats on making it this far. Here's a photo of our bunny to remind you to keep trending, keep creating positive buzz, support MX, and have a good day/night wherever you are. #TogetherForWonho #사이버_폭력에_맞서_싸우자
One more thing! Please use the coordinated hashtags. @MONBEBEnt has done a great job with updating them every 12 hrs. #TogetherForWonho #사이버_폭력에_맞서_싸우자
Thank you all for the overwhelming amount of support. I’ve been getting a lot of DM’s and i’m sorry i can’t respond to everyone individually. For those asking to translate this thread into another language, you have my permission! #TogetherForWonho #사이버_폭력에_맞서_싸우자
You can follow @mwohnstax.
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