In 3rd grade my teacher gave out an assignment to imagine what the year 2000 would be, & I wrote a very sensible paragraph about faster computers and electric cars.

I was the only kid to get a bad grade, & a note saying, "Not creative enough!"

Which was posted on the wall...
Next to all the other kid's starred work, where they drew pictures of people being transported via floating bubble gum balloons, and having cloned dinosaurs for pets.

I just misunderstood the assignment. I know that.

But every time I've tried to write fiction...
I see that frickken paper on the wall, with that red scrawl across the page, saying I'm not creative enough.

And now I'm writing a D&D campaign for my friends, and every time I sit down to write, I give an imaginary middle finger to that paper on the wall, and it feels good.
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