Or they are turned off enough by penises enough to override their initial superficial attraction. The same happens when people discover your skin, body, income, personality, etc. are not attractive to them. https://twitter.com/saintknives/status/1194071592940310528
This whole trancel trend is just a woke way to imply that you’re not allowed to withdraw consent. That shaming someone for not having sex with another person is morally watchable if that reason is something that is politically incorrect. Serious rape vibes.
I genuinely feel bad for trans people having a hard time on the dating circuit (and am horrified about the violence that occurs against many of them here) but if someone doesn’t wanna have sex with you, you have no right to interrogate them about it or guilt them when/if you find
out the reason they’re rejecting you. If someone agrees to fuck me and then decides my birthmark is a dealbreaker, I’d have my feelings hurt, but I wouldn’t press the issue because people are allowed to have whatever (consensual) sexual preferences they do. Full stop.
There’s no daylight between genital preferences and any other physical aspect of attraction. Ergo everyone claiming this is a bigotry thing is being militantly unreasonable.
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