(1 of 9) Despite the seemingly shocking idea presented by the title of this article, the idea that some individuals are no longer “persons” is an idea championed by the Democrats themselves.
(2 of 9) The entire slave plantation era in America was, of course, spearheaded by Democrats who demanded “ownership” of slaves, a form of de-personing.
(3 of 9) It was Democrats who ran the KKK, pushed gun control to keep blacks disarmed, demanded school segregation and opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
(4 of 9) It was Abraham Lincoln, a Republican, who freed the slaves and ended the de-personhood that Democrats had insisted on enforcing as part of their twisted desire to exploit human beings for their own power and profit.
(5 of 9) Even today, it is Democrats alone who have celebrated new laws legalizing the killing of human babies after they’re born by claiming they are not persons.
(6 of 9) These new laws — passed in New York and elsewhere — legalize infanticide by pretending human babies are not human at all. What turns a baby into a human being?
(7 of 9) According to Democrats, babies aren’t real people until the mother decides she wants to keep the baby.
(8 of 9) In other words, according to prominent Democrats, human being can be de-personed, mutilated while alive, and murdered by licensed medical professionals… and they’re isn’t a single prominent Democrat who opposes this practice.
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