1. The tendency of parents, and white parents in particular, to use race as a heuristic for quality, is a big problem in American schools, and doubly-so in "school choice" programs where parents are at liberty to act on their faulty and racialized assumptions. https://twitter.com/DanaGoldstein/status/1194289247429308416
3. Like the attempt to use class because SCOTUS has made it nearly impossible to address race, even though race is a major axis along which these schools are segregated.
4. Or the concern-trolling by purportedly progressive parents who insist this is not about race or class (lol yes it is), but rather about the poor kids who will turn to suicide due to the stress of increased travel time to school. Have to admit I've never heard that one before.
5. Or the enduring assumptions that the structural challenges that black people face are really just about "values." But you can't win the values game: one 1 hand we just don't value education, on the other hand we're criminalized for "stealing" education in better districts.
6. There's also the undying allegiance to neighborhood schools that are nearby, even though these distances never seem to be a problem when white parents are trying to get into magnet schools and elite programs.
7. In an echo of cases before the SCt, this story also highlights the pitting of minoritized groups against each other--fighting for scraps in a system that doesn't serve any of us very well.
8. I've always been a believer in the integrative ideal, but the quoted black students in the piece who wonder about the costs of diversity, who won't embrace it at any cost--that's #realtalk.
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