I’ve been suspended for a week (for implying some right winger was the product of incest). So I’ve come to put out my enormously controversial (or the exact opposite deleting on whose reading) take on the Bolivia given I’ve had some time to look up the situation outside of...
1) Latin America has a *very* strong history of any semblance of democracy being destroyed by right wing coups and the US has been intensely involved in almost every occasion (Chile, Guatemala, Honduras, to name a few), so it’s safe to assume that anytime the military...
forces a left wing leader to resign, there’s likely US approval if not involvement (and it’s fucked up regardles s)
2) Evo Morales is the President till December of this year even if he lost this recent election (or it was rendered invalid due to term limits). He has been removed
prior to the end of a universally agreed upon rightful term
3) as for term limits, there is disagreement as to whether or not they’re necessary for democracy. We don’t have them for congressmen, we only got them for presidents 70 years ago. European democracies regularly have...
Chief executives (like Merkel) in power for 10,15, plus years. So to the extent that simply serving more than two 4 year terms immediately makes someone a “dictator” is major American chauvinist projection. And although term limits were in place for Morales, the Supreme Court...
ruled them to be unconstitutional. So it can’t be objectively said what the status is. To say his recent election, based on that, was inherently undemocratic is dubious
4) regarding “voting irregularities”. There are voting irregularities in this country. The current governor of
Georgia purged tens of thousands of people likely to vote for his opponent from the voter registry and managed to win almost certainly as a result. Donald Trump got less votes than his opponent and still won because the Electoral College is a voting irregularity on steroids...
To say that any of this justifies a military overthrow is unbelievably reactionary.

In conclusion, my differences aside, I stand by Evo Morales and hope the Bolivians don’t suffer too serious of consequences as a result of this.
One through line here is that “Democracy” isn’t an exact thing but rather a spectrum and process of holding hierarchies (in particular the State) accountable from the bottom-up, and of decentralizing power throughout society in as equal of a way as possible. So try not to have...
a strict “if it doesn’t look exactly like what i learned in my civics class and/or what I want to be the ideal, then it’s a totalitarian monstrosity ergo viva la revolucion”.
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