In Santiago, #Chile, yet another Catholic church is attack. This time, the parish of Vera Cruz, one of the oldest ones in the country construction completed in 1857.
This is at least the fifth Catholic Church attacked/vandalized in the past few days.
(A thread).
Sources on the ground tell me that the relics from various saints that were inside the church were taken out yesterday: they were afraid something like this would happen. Similar actions are being conducted to protect other churches.
The situation in Chile is very complex, so two basic things:

1. Most of the protests, that have been occurring for 4 weeks, are and have been completely peaceful. Like it happens with huge manifestations around the world, sometimes small groups of people cause a lot of havoc.
2. The particular situation of the Catholic Church in Chile is a very complex one, and I've written about it for @Crux. Most of it has to do with the clerical sex abuse crisis, that in Chile has been arguably one of the worst ones seen yet.
It's been particulalrly hars for the number of abuses, for who the abusive priests were (leaders of both the left and the right, admired by thousands and thought of as saints, until their crimes were revealed) and for how the bishops behaved (covering up).
Obviously, it's much more complex, with many cases of abuse of power and conscience, that are often the roots of sexual abuse.
A few days ago, I had a thread with some attacking other churches, accusing the priests of being pedophiles and threatening with burning down churches.
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