1/7 Thread. On july 17, 2018, Beto O'Rourke received the Allegheny College Prize for civility in public life, along with his colleague Will Hurd.
2/7 At the end of the october 2019 debate, Beto mentioned the road trip that led to his friendship with Will Hurd.
3/7 Listen to the wise words of Will Hurd's acceptance speech
4/7 Beto's acceptance speech, part 1
5/7 Beto's acceptance speech, part 2. (Well done America, that's the candidate you passed on! đŸ˜©)
6/7 "The two pillars of democracy are civility and compromise... We need more Betos and we need more Wills"
7/7 The full video of the event, including Beto's entire speech and the president of Allegheny College's speech, praising Beto and Will Hurd.
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