25. The Brennan/Clapper/Comey/Strzok "Circle of Filth" has been rendered attenuated by virtue of being too far removed by space-time from the Obama administration. But the Circle of Filth is alive and well.
I coined the term circle of Filth many years ago https://twitter.com/rising_serpent/status/1003336476061585408?s=19
26. What you're seeing is elements birthed from within the innards of the original Circle of Filth and currently employed within the Trump administration.
Eric Ciarmella and Vindman are only two such examples. I suspect there will be many more.
27. Obama laid larvae have hatched to continue the nefarious work of their predecessors in lockstep as marionettes to puppeteers. The connecting threads are visible, but the controlling hands are obscured by the haze of disinformation.
28. Think about how often we've wondered why certain people have been fired by Trump. It has taken many months if not years for their subversive activities to come to light.
We're just hearing about Trump knowing about Tillerson and Kelly. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/469939-nikki-haley-responds-to-gorka-i-did-tell-trump-of-concerns-about
29. Trump's secret power is his ability to be underestimated. An enemy that can't gauge your abilities, capabilities & predict your next move, can't defeat you. He was supposed to crash and burn within months, instead he's selling out rallies and raising record contributions
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