Last night's @roll20app Avernus session featured a Caesar salad discussion, deception, fights and plenty of movie references.
@bluejay_712 @Dave_The_Human @DistractedElf @RandomTuesday @skinnyghost

Here's gifs and a Clip from the episode. SPOILERS abound!!
"Get your hands on the cuddliest Vanthamper you can find.."
Adam: Why is it called a Caesar salad?

Lauren: Because you seize the day with it..
Bluejay: Croutons aren't an integral part of Caesar salad.

"Ruminating over D&D"
Dave does an experiment to settle a debate:
"Wookie Gambit"
"November is tad possessive over Reya's sword.."

"Brynn gets the message"

"Dejected about the lack of SWORD details"
"Sosorovo's impression of a Bearded Devil"
"Like Assassin's Creed"
"Because you can't see my feet...????"
"No murder, I promise"
"Nice room"
"Sosorovo knows everything"
"A tense moment"
"I'mma kill everybody in the room in one second"
"Duke Thalamra Vanthampur emerges"
"Dave's impression of Brynn's Radiant Soul change"
"Brynn's Radiant Soul hype!!"
"Hoping the dice go your way, then they don't"
"Hoping your fortune turns, then it does"
"Dave tries winking"
"Miffles Paw"
"BIG greatsword swing!!"
"oooo Such damage"
"We're going to answer that question, next time"

"Getting Player sass"
"Dave Heart"
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