Dear @AndrewScheer,

I've always thought you were a decent man whose ideology was disagreeable to me but whose character was intact.

I'm watching you literally running a campaign designed to tear apart this great country while blaming it on Trudeau.
It's gone beyond campaigning (which you should not be doing because the election is over) and has moved into actual propaganda. Dangerous, dishonest, divisive propaganda.

Do you honestly believe your party winning is worth our country losing?
We all assume you're allowing it to happen to aid Mr. Kenney in his Machiavellian plan to disassemble Alberta and weaken the progressive alliance the voters created in the election, but I'm wondering whether you've thought about the consequences.

To Canada. To us. To the world.
If you're directing this campaign then history will record you as one of the great dividers. If you're simply allowing this campaign, history will record you as one the great stooges.

I realize this is ridiculous, but I'm going to give it a try anyway.
I'm just going to ask that you spend a few moments in reflection about the incredible, perhaps permanent, damage you are doing to the fabric of our country by creating and disseminating this dishonest, untruthful rhetoric.
These are hard times and we need you to work for Canada - not your political party, not your God, not your mentor, Harper, and not the ghouls whispering in your ears: Marshall and Kenney and Manning.
So, if you could just stop and think, I'd appreciate it very much. We're watching our country become unstable and most people who can think and reason independently are blaming you, not Trudeau.

Your call.
And not that my opinion means anything to you, but I'm going to have to revise my thoughts about your basic human decency. I was raised Catholic (although I count myself as a non believer now) and you and I both know that your actions are not remotely Christian.
So. Yeah. Think about it.
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