Are there more #internationalmigrants because there are more international borders? Insightful observation by Ian Goldin of Oxford Martin Schoo at the launch of new Robin Cohen's book on #migration
A further reason to question statements coming from international organisations on the #unprecedented nature of current migration flows
What about population movements within global empires? Or the lack until fairly recently of passports and passport checks?
there is a convergence of agendas between international organisations and anti-immigration parties around the creation of a #migrationemergency.
convergence from very different starting point - on the one hand, anti-immigration parties need the moral panic and 'invasion syndrome' to drum political support for sovranist/nationalist narratives
#MatteoSalvini in Italy has been a master in the art of #crisismaking. But he is far from alone in this. Across the Atlantic #DonaldTrump has been relying on it to feed his core voters
One way (and certainly not the only one) to look at this is: international organisations, chronically underfunded particularly since Trump's funding cuts, need the numbers to be unprecedented to mobilize support and funding from their donors. Hard to do it without an 'emergency'.
#Bigdata on #migration is a bit of a holy grail in the emerging #globalgovernace of #migration imagined in the #globalcompacts. The push is to collect more and better data not just at destination (particularly in Europe following the #refugeecrisis) but #enroute
but with #bigdata huge issues surrounding data sharing and data usage inevitably emerge. it is clear that there is great interest in them for those promoting #immigrationcontrol and #immigrationenforcement
and being able to locate and ID people at different points along their migration trajectories offer many possibilities
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