Reading tweets that "Men are violent cuz testosterone" and I'm like 🤨

You know there's a brain attached to that hormone right? That thing that allows us to control impulses? I'm not saying hormones don't have effects on us but c'mon ffs.

*My testosterone made me do it..."
How do explain women who commit violent acts then? You going to claim that they were overcome by a sudden rush of testosterone?

Some men out there really dying on this hill. Trying their best for the "my testosterone made me do it" get out jail free card.

My testosterone made me rape her!
My testosterone made me kill my entire family!
My testosterone made me beat the fuck out him so I'm not guilty see!
My feminist brain is struggling with this mindset. I mean if I'm gonna tackle male violence against women (or anyone), I sure as shit don't want to be handing them this particular get out jail free card ffs. This is some absolution of responsibility for their actions bullshit.
Apologies for all the hormone talk. I know this is a sensitive issue for some of my followers. I wouldn't normally expend so much time & energy on this but some cis men and their fuckwittery get right up my nose!
Nice get out of jail free argument there.

"Ya know, my hormones made me do it so I can't be held accountable for my lack of self control cuz hormones ya see your honour."
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