About *that* Elsevier paper, in case you have lived under a rock and only today realised that science is racist.

Science has always been a tool for power.

Scientists have argued for eugenics (some still do).

The horrors of Nazism were born among scientific intellectuals. https://twitter.com/evopsychgoogle/status/1189958542616252417
This particular paper, despite being absolutelybinappropriate for publication b/c of its content and ideology is laughable. Cherry picking, deliberately ignoring the actual results of the papers they cited, self referencing (read the quoted thread).

Still, it got a platform.
What IS dangerous is when people use genetic research/brain research/psychology using sound methods to look for """differences""".

What are the groups they looking for differences among?

Very often it's """racial""" groups.

But science isn't political right?

Science is a tool for power

Science has been historically done by privileged individuals that had strong connections when not direct access to structural power

How naive are we if we don't see that this leads to a "scientific foundation" for racism?
People will argue that science should be above this. Well, again, science isn't, unless you do science on Andromeda away from the structural oppression that has happened on planet Earth and have no connections to power whatsoever.
Imagine that an alien species decides to experiment on humans to justify that dominating the human race is, in fact, ethically justified because less intelligent, physically apt, more violent than them etc.

Not even science on Andromeda might be apolitical then!
Question why these people get platforms. Who are they? Who funds them? What does that say about their science?

Then, read Superior by @AngelaDSaini 5 times.

Are you REALLY still surprised that science is racist? What are we doing to stop this from happening? What's our bias?
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