I am vocal about the fact that both my husband and I are children of immigrants.
(My my grandparents (and some of their older children) all came to US mainland from a US territory, however, one set of grandparents illegally entered said territory)

<This back story is important>
I can just pull my hair out when I see tweets going back and forth
•treating Blackness as a monolith to stereotype
•treating Blackness as a monolith to gatekeep
•Black people from different backgrounds arguing about what Black is and who’s Blacker
Imma just say it- globally, Black people who are descendants of US slaves are highly disrespected worldwide.


Black people in the US seem to be trying to please people who define themselves as “Blackety Black” by throwing some Black people from the US under the bus.
I just block people on here because I really don’t have the energy to argue about nonsense.

I became aware that someone I recently blocked did a thread calling documented facts about Black wealth lies and xenophobia.

Ok. Let’s do this.
I have to back up to the history of US immigration.

First of all, when we talk about overall US wealth/ immigrant wealth/ Black descendant of US slave wealth/ Black immigrant wealth,

We have to address the fact that IS immigration has historically favored Europeans.
Discussions of generational wealth of immigrants is generally a conversation about Europeans getting wealthy in the US.

Even as we see a trend towards non-white immigrants, we still see a low number of Black immigrants.
(this is self reporting of race; not perceived race)
These charts shows “sons of immigrants and increased wealth” historically and more recently.

While referring back to the previous tweet/ charts, refer back to these.

(These numbers include all immigrants including refugees and asylum seekers. Refugee/asylum dm mean poor)
I want to address this person’s assertion that wealthy people from other countries don’t come to the US and work service jobs-
Hun, yes they do.
These are two different articles:
(First screenshot)
(Second 2 screenshots)
These are statistics for immigrants as a whole, not Black immigrants.
Specifically, look at the percentage of Baccalaureate plus compared to the different percentages of job types held by immigrants and people born in the US.
Refer back to artificial wage gap in previous tweet
Along with the empirical data on education levels of immigrants compared to US earnings of 1st generation immigrants versus 2nd generation wealth,
and the belief that this is due to pre-US wealth as opposed to the “immigrants have better work ethic than US descendantsof slaves,”
There is the concrete data on how much it costs to immigrate to the US.

It’s not cheap. (Keep in mind, many countries people emigrate from have fees as well)
The US also requires proof ability to support oneself upon entry; through savings, education level, job, family.
(Obviously, this is different for refugees/asylum seekers)

There is not some open door policy by which anyone can apply to enter the US in any form.
People may say that the previous information about immigrant wealth wasn’t specific to Black immigrants.

Well, here you go...

Stating facts about how wealth in the US is more attainable to immigrants than Black people who are descendants of slaves is NOT xenophobic.
It is, indeed, fact.
Are many people in the US of any race xenophobic? Yep
We need to be able to simultaneously have a conversation about how wealth is scarcely attainable to USDOS
about how immigrant/ 2nd generation wealth has racial disparities
the way NBIPOCs treat Black people
the way Black people treat each other
Without people descending into racial, colorist, and cultural insults

and people not accusing people of picking on them for stating facts.

We need people to not try to associate inter cultural disagreements with racism. (I’m not talking about pholding ws/ racism.)
I’m talking about people saying

X is just like racism. It’s not.

Diaspora discord is diaspora discord.

It’s really not as hard as people try to make it. It’s not.
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