THREAD: I was reading the transcript of Farage's speech and it struck me that not once did he mention consulting with anyone. This Great Democrat just "slept on it", then woke up this morning and announced his decision to a party that isn't really a party, but a fiefdom. 1/
Did Farage tell the 300 PPCs that had signed up to stand for him, many of whom will have made commitments and started campaigning? Did he thank them and explain his decision by midday? Or did they find out when we did? Do other people even exist for someone this self-serving? 2/
And it occurred to me: this is precisely the thread that connects them: Trump, Farage, Johnson, Cummings - all of it. A disdain for rules, because they constrain their ability to do whatever they want. It's why Farage swapped Ukip for BXP Ltd which has no board or members. 3/
It's what that drunken fight Johnson had with Symonds was about. Why he sends letters he hasn't signed, like a petulant child. Why Cummings sacked someone else's aide, then had to compensate her. Why they thought they could prorogue Parliament when it became an inconvenience. 4/
It's why Trump attacks every supranational organisation including WTO and NATO. Why he breaks agreements. Why he signs up to a statement at the G20, then unsigns it in a tweet. Why he feels he grab women by the pussy. Why Johnson's hand wanders under the dining table. 5/
They represent the demographic that simply did whatever it wanted, for millennia, the ones born to rule, the ones that are "too clever" to burn in a tower block. They're meant to MAKE the rules. Not FOLLOW them. This is why the EU is anathema to them. It's an rules-based body. 6/
And every time someone limits their whim, in any way, they seethe. They feel like their Droit du Seigneur has somehow been fettered. That's why they attack judges. That's why they attack a woman's right to choose. Correctness. Safety. Employment Rights. Parliament. Congress. 7/
They are ruler and toddler, in one. They are Joffrey Baratheon. They are the men who have never been told "no". And when they are, they don't hear it or understand it. It doesn't compute. "No" is THEIR word to say. Not one that is ever supposed to be uttered to them. 8/
And they are asking you to put them in a position to destroy anything with the capacity to tell them "you can't do that". They will say anything to get there. Promise anything. Do anything. Just to hear that "yes".

It's time to tell them "no". Everywhere. It's time. ~AA 9/END
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