5 keys to having good breath
A Thread

Firstly, everyone's mouth stinks sometimes,it's pretty normal. Hours after you've eaten or not spoken, when you wake up.
Good oral hygiene can help with that.

If you have good ORAL HYGIENE n your mouth still stinks, here's probably why.
You have Plaque/Tartar build up.
Plaque is a sticky deposit on teeth in which bacteria proliferate. The plaque is usually caused by left over food/sugar particles that get stuck in between your teeth, if you don't remove them daily, they build up and harden and become Tartar
Tarter is a hard yellowish substance that forms on your teeth and causes them to decay if it is not removed.
If you have this in your mouth (refer to image) that's the stink bomb right there.

So you notice that even after brushing your mouth, your mouth still stinks.
If you have bad oral hygiene, your mouth is gonna stink, kinda like when you don't bath you stink, simple.
The bacteria in your mouth that settles on food particles are responsible for mouth odour. They especially look sugary foods.
I read some people have conditions that make them stink from within, if that's you, you may want to go to your Dr to find out if something can be done about it, or if it can be managed.
Not gonna leave you without saying how to stop the odour.

1. Visit your dentist to clean your teeth, some of you have never been to the dentist(I went for the first time last year😁)
The dentist is the only pro who can clean out that Tartar in your mouth with pro tools.
The bacteria living on the Tartar is what causes the smell, so get rid of it and start afresh with a clean mouth.
It's recommended you visit the dentist twice a year, I say you can do once a year if you really take care of your teeth.
Which brings us to good ORAL HYGIENE
2. Floss after every meal, get those food particles out so they don't entertain bacteria. Very important.
3. Brush your teeth twice a day, and if you can after every meal.
4. Use Mouthwash after brushing your teeth
5. Having mint or gum with you is handy when your mouth is stale.
Every one's mouth goes stale after some time of not talking, be conscious of your breath, breathe into your hands and let that air tell you if you need to brush, pop a mint or even just use mouthwash.
Very important you brush your teeth before you go to bed, it's like taking your make up off or bathing after sweating the whole day. Your mouth will be fresh n clean.
No bacteria will have an all night party in your mouth only for you to wake up the next day killing everyone.
I'll recommend Lighthouse Missionary hospital, good dental care there.. Enjoyed my trip. I'm going again soon 😊
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