1. if you wonder why 90% of the media are so anti-Trump - CNN, NYT, WaPo, MSNBC, ABC, LA Times, etc...

consider this:
in 1975, there were 400 journalists and editors under CIA payroll.
(official Data)

how many will be today?
4000 ?
40,000 ?
2. to identify these CIA paid puppets, you just need to look at the types of Anderson Cooper, Mika Brzezinski, the MadCow, David Ignatius, CNN Zuckolini...
and the 1000's of them

the CIA has them all in its pockets, since forever.
3. the BIG question is:
on which side are Mike Pompeo and Gina Haspel?
on Trump side or on the Deep State side?

have they done some clean-up work during their CIA tenure?
or left the CIA mob roam along, undisturbed?
4. can the CIA be cleaned-up?

personally, I don't think so.
only solution is to dismantle it completely.
5. cc: @ChanelRion , @NeilWMcCabe2 : you might be interested in this Thread.
start at #1
6. since the start, the CIA has been infiltrated by the Nazi (thousands of them) - even when the CIA was named OSS, in late 1945

check Reinhard Gehlen and his network of 4000 Nazi spies embedded in the OSS-CIA
7. Allen Dulles made a secret agreement in 1945 with the Head of the Nazi Party, Martin Bormann (classified).

Bormann cashed a check ($$$ Millions) in Buenos Aires, in 1967, where he lived undisturbed until 1972.

the check was cashed at the Chase Manhattan Bank - Buenos Aires.
8. then, from the 50's and 60's onwards, the CIA has been deeply infiltrated by Soviet Communist spies.

even at high level.
9. the CIA has always been corrupt.

there never was a time in which the CIA was not corrupt.

10. and all those Fake Media journalist that I mentioned above in #1 and #2 are under CIA payroll, in the CIA pockets.

it is the CIA which dictates those PROPAGANDA talking heads what garbage to spread.

Think about it...
11. Propaganda was invented by Goebbels (Nazi Minister) and by Edward Bernays, in the 1930's

CNN, NYT, WaPo, etc. use exactly the same techniques invented and perfected by Goebbels and Bernays.

Edward Bernays wrote several books on the subject, back then.
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