Thread: DDT

Was Polio used as a coverup for DDT? πŸ€”

Was the coverup used to sell vaccines? πŸ€”

This page was in Time Magazine
(June 30 1947☟) ⬇
[DDT Usage vs Polio Epidemic]

This chart shows Polio rise with DDT. Coincidence? πŸ€” ⬇
The symptoms of DDT poisoning are the same as polio. How could they tell the difference? πŸ€”

Was it just called Polio? πŸ€”

(Check out these DDT adds ☟)⬇
People were told to put it EVERYWHERE, & that it had beneficial effects on everything, people, pets, live stock & on crops.

(More DDT adds ☟) ⬇
The next 8 pictures show DDT being sprayed on people, children, live stock. They used fogging trucks & planes. DDT was literally pumped into the air.

It was all over everything, inside & out. In the people's minds, DDT was safe, healthy & [needed] to protect them from Polio. ⬇
People put DDT on fire wood piles then burned the wood. People put DDT on food, pets, themselves & all over the house.

Trucks & planes filled the air & water with DDT. The dust was on everything. It was in a paint form and in wallpaper.

DDT was also used on farms (food). ⬇
Coincidence? πŸ€” ⬇
This is a video I put together About DDT & Polio. ☟
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