As a GenXer I am uniquely qualified to be an expert on GenX. The core value of my generation is hostility. To your favorite bands, your mom, your politics, and definitely those shoes.
<puffing on clove cigarette intensifies>
@garthtrinidad !!!!! ^
Sarcasm is our Oxygen.
Garfield eating your lasagna in a mushroom cloud over Reagan’s dumb smiling face
Oh yes there are receipts. This is me at 14 or so in a 7-11, Richmond Virginia. Like 1984-1985. That, son, is a Reverse Mohawk on a GenX street urchin.
Receipts for days.
Yes occasionally I smiled but only when you changed the fucking record back to something decent
Yes there is a reason cassettes and “mixtapes” are obsolete. But tell me this have you ever rolled a DRUM tobacco cigarette on an MP3 case, I think not loser
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