Isn't it funny how easily you lose friends just because you decided to invest money meant for party? YOUR MONEY!

Last week it was my birthday, and as the norm is,there must be a birthday party. So,my 'friends' gave me a lot of pressure, that I am big name and I should have a big party this year...
I decided to prove how big indeed I was, so I made a reservations of 30k at Attic Club,Mirema. The party was supposed to go down on Friday 8th Nov. Note I had made reservations on Tuesday..
So on Thursday, I got a call from a friend who wanted me to invest in a business, he sent me the proposal and everything and the business required 30k for starting which he didn't had. I had only 10k since I had paid their rest for the birthday party reservations..
The first thought was,I should get an immediate loan from branch or KCB Mpesa,but then I remembered I have 30k somewhere meant to party and I could get it back since it was a day before the event, even if they decided to cut something small like 2k it's okay..
I called the club management and we agreed, they were to cut 1500 and refund 28500 and I was okay with it. So on Thursday, night,around 9pm ,i broke the news to the friends, we had a WhatsApp group for the party. You can guess the feedback I got..well
Some left the group immediately without a word,others called me names..ladies saying I am stooping low,what will they tell their friends who they had invited! Duh! Some made phone calls 'Buda wacha ufala,ni pesa huna tukuchangie'?(dude if you don't have money, we can contribute'
In short, everybody left the group by Midnight, I woke to find myself alone in that group and so many SMS with all sort of insults. 'I had failed Them' was the keywords.
As I am writing this I had made my first 5k in the business, less than a week!
I 'm nt regretting anything, I'm actually happy w/ the new friend who gave me the business idea. Number of Friends doesn't matter, QUALITY does! Choose the right people and I pray to God that He brings situations that will open your eyes and realise the kind of friends you have.
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