tw pedophilia

hi. this is really hard on me and i hope all of you are understanding. i will not state my account, though i wouldn’t be surprised if you guys found out. this is a thread on @/ilovedanieljh2 and i highly recommend blocking. she is a pedophile.
tw ^

(her other account is @/ilovedanieljh)

i’ll start from the beginning. we initially started talking in group chats. i always had my age established in these chats(15), she however, did not(26). i only discovered her age once we dmed privately, though i should have initially

asked her. we were always kind of flirtatious with one another in dms. she knew my age from the very start. i discovered her age shortly after we were dming, that was the moment in which i should have taken a step back and stopped talking to her or established that

everything should stay platonic, but i didn’t, i kept going. i really liked her, or so i thought, and we had been dming for a little bit and i didn’t want to stop talking to her at that point. she would say things like she wanted to hold my hand or cuddle, and i said these

things back. that was my mistake. i was the first one to send her a picture of my face, she did not ask, and when she sent her face i thought she was pretty. every morning she would say “good morning beautiful” or something along those lines. she would call me bby and

darling and i found it kinda nice and sweet. i never took into consideration exactly HOW old her age is compared to mine, so i asked her to be my gf. it went like this, i asked if it’s bad that i wish we could kiss and she said she wishes the same thing. then i asked her to

be my gf and she said yes. i shouldn’t have done that. that was my mistake. please don’t make the same mistakes that i did. if you are around my age i don’t recommend dating someone that is greater than 2 years older than you, especially not before speaking with a parent

or trusted adult. so anyways, today was the first time we facetimed. i was uncomfortable the entire time and was trying to start conversation and stuff but the whole time i was just like “what the fuck is wrong with me??” and it was just really unsettling. i’m kinda scared
as to what my happen now but please stay safe of predators. if you are 18+ i feel it is important to state your age when talking to someone who you don’t know the age of or who is a minor, so they know ahead of time. and if you’re 11 years older than a teenager, then the only
place you should really talk to them on is maybe replying to tweets or if you’re both in a gc. i think it’s important to state your age in your location or bio so people know.
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