do you ever just, get the impression that people in your circles overwhelmingly dislike you/ don't appreciate your contributions/ wish you would go away, and wish people would tell you why, so you could use the constructive criticism to make yourself suck less
Even if your contribution is just, "you suck, stop talking", I want to hear it, and I wont ever hold it against you
You dont owe it to me, but I do appreciate it
Most of my followers are a fluke. I did not earn them. I made a tweet thread about lobster telomeres, some large content aggregators picked it up, passed it around, and I gained 4K overnight, mostly bots. I've always feared that this fake buffer makes others hesitant to criticize
Every blatant bot I see, I softblock, but that overnight zerg rush exceeded my filtering capacity

A lot of my work involves admitting my ideas were wrong and breaking down my wrongness in depth. I have no hesitation to do the same in other circles. It's a must to learn and grow
idk where I'm going with this and its probably useless but I know I've fucked up plenty of times in my life and I want to be accountable for it
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