my favourite tumblr posts: a thread by ur humble servant
that's so valid
[2] i probably should count them bc i'm v much interested in how many tumblr posts i'm gnna find and throw into this pit of hell
[4] im back @ it again with another tumblr post
[6] i forgot to warn y'all (more like whoever will find this) that this thread will have Everything:
stupid things
things i think r cool
fandoms stuff ? def gomens
whatever else i wll find in the gallery
[7] THIS ONE i love it sm
[8] i've wanted to make a thread like this for a shitton of time but my Fear of commitment ™ to things that require dedication (or maybe it's just my laziness/procrastination + inability to concentrate 4 a long time) didn't let me do it
[9] tru tho
[10] a special post 4 my bro bc they like knives and tbh i agree with them
[11] big mood
[13] where all monsterfuckers at? i brought venom

(edit's not mine i found it somewhere on the internet srry)
[14] every time
[15] i may be kind of srry if u wanna find some specific things in this thread but idc it's a mess just like i am
[16] *shakespeare left the chat*
[17] y e s
[21] thx dude
[22] yes
[24] this thread has been resurrected. hail the tumblr post thread.
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