Finished Luigi’s Mansion 3 (A thread) on stream today! Thoughts? I really enjoyed it! I wasn’t too on board to start though. EGadd constantly calling me, the lack of unique ghosts or environments to interact with. I felt as if I was playing a ghost busting game on rails. 1/?
After some extensive time in co-op and finishing the later half of the game solo, I’d say LM3 is my favorite of the franchise. I do miss the music and general theming of the first game. But bosses feel unique and well characterized. Difficulty rises at a decent rate during-
Your mansion trek. And the effort put into the scale of the environments you explore is super awe inducing. The biggest highlight here are the boss ghosts for sure. Varying from dexterity based combat challenges and puzzle solving under stress. I went in hyper skeptical but I-
Love the game about as much as I loved LM1. Ended with a B Rank and I’m hype to try shooting for better in future.
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