Right into the modern period, there was significant debate about whether literature or poetry could even be written in English because it was such a barbaric and unmusical language. Chaucer helped this a bit, but it took Shakespeare to finally dislodge that.
The very word 'barbarian' was used by the Romans to describe the Germanic tribes including those in Britain and it literally means 'people who say "bar-bar'" - that is, have an ugly guttural language. (The Greeks used it first & differently, though)
Right into the modern period, literacy in England did not refer to being able to write English, but being able to write in Latin which was used for religious, legal & medical subjects & French which was used for poetry. To write only English was to be illiterate.
While aristocratic Brits spoke several European languages, almost no-one on the continent spoke English. For a long after the Norman Conquest, even the English monarch could not speak English. Even Richard the Lionheart did not speak much English let alone write it.
Then Europe gained prominence on the world stage and the British Empire became a thing. This rewrote much of history and liked to place the UK at the centre of it. This wasn't the reality tho & empirical historians will tell you this.
Therefore, the liberal approach to history, which values empirical research, will tell you that literacy and the "worship of the written word" is far from a white western thing but a party the west was rather late to & the English speaking world in particular.
Those who perpetuate the myth that literacy, literature, research etc are white Western products while the rest of the world has other modes of communication & ways of knowing/researching are white supremacists and Social Justice scholars & activists.
The only difference is that white supremacists will say literacy & science & reason belong to the West in order to claim it is superior & SocJus activists will tell you they belong to the west in order to argue that other ways of knowing are just as valid & have been marginalised
They should both stop it & accept that written language, science and reason are human things that belong to us all and that they are the best ways of accurately understanding the world, advancing progress and passing on knowledge.
The end.
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