[Long Thread, Please RT!!]

So lately it's been thrown around that @VivziePop is a bad person. I will List what the allegations are taken from another Tweet, debunk them and it's basically how this thread will go.
And Before i start, Please don't witch hunt anyone here.
It's shitty to do and in the end it doesn't benefit anyone here. Good? Good.
These are the terrible accusations that have been thrown at Vivzie:
- Drawing P*do art, Be*stiality & Child p*rn
- Being Transphobic
- Being Racist

Let's begin with this. Note that these are just absolutely horrible things and you don't just throw these terms around.

The claim here is that Vivzie has a P*dophelic Couple in her Comic Zoophilia. No source of the images, Nowhere is it shown what the characters ages are, nothin. So i will dig out my good old friend google and try to find the characters
Only a 2 Minute research later, I found the first two Characters featured in the screenshots. Gustav And Addison. THEY'RE ADULTS. And This whole "He's a teacher the other a child!!!" Thing was fabricated from Gustav being a Teachers assisant.
Second Characters: Mirage and Kestrel. While it's true that Kestrel is a minor and Mirage an adult, THEY'RE NOT A COUPLE. It's Nowhere in their Bio and In fact, Mirage is actually the VILLIAN of Zoophobia. So of course she would be a horrible person.
[BE*STIALITY ART] (nsfw warning)
Now The Pictures have a link (fucking finally) and i will go look through them to see how old the posts are.
Then i will show you something that's really important to know.
The first link Leads to this. And It's only the bathtub image. The Second link is broken.
And if you haven't noticed, Pinterest is a TERRIBLE source. Because it never shows where the image originally came from. But nontheless, i'll continue.
I've looked through the entire Character list in the Zoophobia Wiki (155 Characters) And None of them looked like the man in the picture. So without any information about who this character is, It can't be proven to be a minor. Not Child p*rn.
Now Let's look at the Legality of This Picture. Source:
Basically, It is legal Because it isn't explicit p*rn, It's not a recording, And Drawing erotic art of animals isn't by law considered having sex with an animal.
On top of that, According To Vivzie's tumblr post, It's from 2012. It's so outdated. Vivzie regrets drawing it. Bringing up old stuff and then presenting it as if its new and just happened is scummy and just generally a shit thing to do.
The claim here is that Vivzie drew Fanart for two Transph*bic and R*cist Youtubers. Vivzie also explained this in her tumblr post.
To sum it up, She drew that YEARS ago when her mind was at a dark place and her country had a heavily political time. She found comfort in hearing about people's perspectives, and especially the two women speaking freely about their minds (1/3)
She had only seen bits of their content and they looked pretty so she thought doodling them wasn't so bad. She didn't follow their twitter and therefore didn't see all the insensitive jokes they made. She never condoned them, and neither does she now. (2/3)
She is a coompletely different person than she was years ago. Obiously, it doesn't excuse her from drawing them fanart but you just have to let the past be. Like i said, you have to stop bringing it up like it's the freshest morning tea. Stop doing that. (3/3)
[Remaning Allegations]
"Vivzie defended a Cult Leader and P*do!"
I've looked through all of the sources that were provided and it's a whole new level of kindergarden clusterfuck.
And it's Bascially about Ken Draws, someone worked on Hazbin hotel
And he also had serious claims thrown at him for being an abusive around minors. One link directs you to an "archive" of what ken has done. And It's all just someone, saying how terrible he is. There are no pictures of chat screenshots, no evidence, nothing.
And the Linked Testimonies in the archive either re-direct me back to tumblr or to an empty blog.
This has little to do with Vivzie i feel.
The second link re-directed me to Ken's tumblr post that's from 4 YEARS ago.
My point here: False Allegations were made against Ken By multiple people that he was abusive and a cult leader. Ken Debunks them. None of the links provided show Vivzie defending him. So my guess is that Vivzie also defended him against the claims and people didn't like that.
Please not that i know NOTHING about the ken controversy and i am just showing an outsiders perspective about this. That's the sucky thing about "He Said, She said" they haven't been PROVEN guilty in my eyes, so neither does vivzie deserve shit for defending her artist.
"Vivzie Traced/Stole Designs!"
These screenshots are just from a twitter thread, that are using screenshots. The deviantart text in the screenshots that are shown in this screenshot is unreadable. ..That was a mouthful. Anyway, amazing evidence OP!
Vivzie also addressed this in her tumblr post. She never stole characters, And She doesn't trace them either. There's a heavy difference between referencing and tracing.
Here's the "traced proof" and right now i can debunk that. I traced Vivzie's Version of the Me!Me!Me dance, then the original and would you look at that, its different. It's copied, Not traced. Many artists copy this dance to make their own version. why is this now a problem?
And OP immediately assuming that Vivzie mentioning that she hates Cancel Culture is associated with something completely different. Cancel Culture is terrible and as a famous person you're just doomed to be a victim of it. Getting hated for irrevelant stuff isn't nice.
Anyway, i think this should be it. And yes, i know that op has given us two links that appearantly has "all the sources"
But for me the first link didn't have anything important, and the second is broken too. So *shrug*
It Took me 3 Hours to Type this thread. Counting in the time i made for research and corrections. I hope It's worth it becaue i don't want to see another youtuber being cancelled over bullshit.
Also, to whoever made this "callout" post,
Please go take your alphabet soup and shit out your fabricated stories somewhere else.
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